China White Granite G603
G603 is one of the most popular Chinese Granite.
There are many kinds of G603 on the market now, such as Jinjiang G603/ Wuhan G603/ Jiangxi G603/ Dalian G603/ Huian G603 etc.
At the beginning, there was only Jinjiang G603, also called Ba Cuo Bai Granite. The prices are very low at that time, and this G603 color is very white and beautiful. This material can be used for Exterior - Interior wall and floor applications, monuments, countertops, mosaic, fountains, pool and wall capping, stairs, window sills, etc. This kind of G603 exported to all over the world. But this quarry was closed by the government about 10 years ago. The prices went up quickly since the quarry closed. This material also be called Old Original G603.
After the Jinjiang G603 quarry closed, the Alternative G603 is Wuhan G603, also called Hubei G603 or Macheng G603. This Quarry is very big, and the color is very simlar to Original G603, also the prices is much lower than Original G603, so the Wuhan G603 become more and more popular. The Wuhan G603 also be called New G603 now. This materials can be processed into slabs, tiles, pavers, mosaics, tombstone, curbstone etc. Nowadays if we say G603, we mainly mean Wuhan G603.
China G603 White Granite Big Slabs
Mushroom G603 Granite Wall Stone